Love on Haight
~1400 Haight Street ~ Corner of Haight & Masonic ~ San Francisco, California~
Love on Haight is dedicated to the revitalization of Haight Street by bringing back the color, creativity & consciousness that Haight street is historically known for. Over fifty years ago, what happened on these streets in 1967 shaped who we are as a society and hopefully what that community is doing here now will influence the next 50 years...this is our duty as members of this iconic neighborhood.
Love on Haight is on of the last artisan shops left on Haight street. We work with over 175 artists from around the world. Over half of our products are made here in San Francisco & 1/3 of our products are made by people who work or have worked at Love on Haight.
We are proud to provide the most psychedelic fashion created by our family & friends. We are firm believers in spreading Rainbows, Sparkles, Peace, Love & Kindness. We feel blessed to be the rainbow ambassadors to the Haight Ashbury.
Throughout Love on Haight's time, a portion of our profits have gone towards fighting the homeless youth crisis that we face in the Haight Ashbury & More. Since its conceptions Love on Haight has supported nonprofits like Taking it to the Streets, Homeless Youth Alliance, Larkin Youth Services, HealthRight 360 & our own Free Pantry.
In Early 2022 Love on Haight founded our foundation Color of Love (on Haight). A Tiedye Community Education Center where we offer tiedye classes, workshops and parties. Colors of Love will also take 1-3 women as they reenter from Prison and teach them the art of tiedying and the business behind it. After they complete this 9 month program, they may become one of our tiedye artists or we will give them the tools to start their own tiedye business.
Love on Haight has also started a Artist Residency Program that will begin in October 2022, where we fly one of our Artists out to San Francisco and have them stay in our apartments above the shop and tiedye with us, teach a class for our community and get to know our team...
We are firm believers that the ONLY way to do business is to help our community. Cause it is so much better when we do it together!
Love on Haight has been honored by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, California House of Representatives, The Senate, the California Assembly & the Board of Equalization for our work within the community including our fight to end the Homeless Crisis here in our community, our relief efforts/ donation drives during the Santa Rosa fires (and all the fires that have happened since) and our commitment to make sure that the Haight Ashbury is a community filled with rainbows, sparkles & magic!
When you walk into Love on Haight you will feel the Love emulating off the walls and hopefully you will take that love and encourage more!