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Tapestries for our Tiedye Contest 2020

WE will be adding more tapestries to this section in the Coming days as we put them up! we had this amazing tie dye tapestry competition and then this whole pandemic action happened and it took a big dump on our Gala. 
Have no fear, the Gala is happening just probably in 2021...
like for reals what happened 2020!  
With everything going on right now Love on Haight has acknowledged a few things, our artists need money, and our medical nonprofits need money. 
These TAPESTRIES will be sold for either 100% going to HealthRight 360 or 50% going to HealthRight360 and 50% going to the artist. ***Please DO NOT use a discount code with these items if you can help it so we can raise as much money as possible here! 
 Love on Haight will NOT be keeping  money from this.